Sunday, February 3, 2008

Big D - Day 2

My parents drove up on Friday from Houston for the weekend. It was a first for them too to have both grandkids together. This was nice as it allowed Carrie, Matt, me, and Kristen to go out for an evening.

Now, as part of the trip to Dallas we covertly planned a photo shoot of the six of us to surprise our parents. Well, my mom sniffed out the plan. My dad may have known too, but he never let on. My money is on him not knowing. Regardless, we captured some terrific photos.

The photo shoot was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, Gil has taken to sticking his hands in his mouth. The photograher earned his money capturing moments where it appears as if Gil is smiling at the camera. If you look closely at Gil's photo, you will notice the color of his shirt is a bit darker under the collar. That would be drool.

Regardless, we did get some great photos of the group, the individual families, Gil & Maddie together, and then individuals of the kids. Here are a few!

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