Sunday, September 7, 2008

Being Manly

As I write this post Gilbert is taking a morning nap and Kristen is out running errands and taking a jog.

Waiting for NFL Countdown to kickoff my Sundays of football, I did some channel surfing and found that HBO is having a free weekend. Playing is one of the best man movies of recent, The Bourne Ultimatum. Being the multi-tasker that I am, I'm also doing some family laundry.

I'm watching the kick-ass hand-to-hand combat scene right now as I fold my boxers and Kristen's unmentionables. What a dichotomy. Is there anything less manly than folding your lady's laundry?

1 comment:

Ms. Mayhem said...

multi-tasker or freak of nature? If I had 1/2 your energy?1