Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Financial Planning

I remember fondly a simplier time when my only financial worries were paying rent and figuring out what bar was going to serve as my dinner for the evening. No car, no car payment. Retirement? What's that? I was more concerned on handicap score than the value of my 401k.

When did it change? When did it get so complicated? Oh yeah, marriage! Children! Turning 30!

I have always considered myself financial savvy. I enjoy the markets, researching stocks and mutual funds. However, I humbly admitted long ago I did not know enough to ensure my future or that of my wife, and now son.

Armed with that fear, it was time to enlist professional help. You may employ the services of a financial planner, or maybe not. All I can say is they are worth it!

This post is not a shameless plug for my advisor - Chris - or his company - Ameriprise - however, it is a referral business. Rather this post is a call to arms for all those couples or new parents that considering a financial planner is definitely a wise choice, and investment!

For Kristen it has been an eye-opener. I cherish the trust she bestowed me with our finances, but I privately yearned for her to be interested (or concerned). Now she is actively involved, asks questions, and sometimes challenging my kingship! How dare she!

But seriously, it has brought piece of mind, helped us realize our goals are attainable and ensured that we will not have to send Gilbert in to the rice fields next year to pay for his college!

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