Thursday, November 6, 2008

Walking In The Park

Well, sort of. Okay, not really. Gilbert is going bipedal...with help! The weather has been incredible this week so we have been outside as much as possible with the realization that the end is near. End of the good weather, not the world (some would say that is debatable!).

Gilbert is beginning to show signs of wanting to walk, or at least pick up a foot forward every so often. The new park is great for such experiments. With its rubber flooring, if Gilbert falls flat on his rump, no harm.

If he is not attempting to walk, he does enjoy holding on to our hands and standing. It if entertaining as he sways side to side or thrusts his hips back and forth as his motor skills muscle memory increases. Every so often he'll throw in a knee bend only to collapse, but then thrust back up into the standing position.

With the construction site growing rapidly it provides a good distraction as we encourage Gilbert to walk even when he vocally announces his disagreement!

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