Sunday, November 9, 2008

One Year Later

Gilbert had his one year 'well visit' on Friday. All went well. The usual battery of assessments took place; height, weight, head size. And of course, vaccinations. Always the pinnacle of our visit, or maybe the proper word is bane.

Regardless, all is well. Oh yeah, apparently Little Man has a minor ear infection. We were both surprised as he's shown no signs. So, we'll watch closely. I'm curious if it is a new infection on the path to becoming worse or an old infection on its way out. Either way, kudos to the Little Man for being a good trooper!

Oh yeah, the stats:

Head Size - 19 3/4. Off the charts! Literally. Apparently his head is sooo large he's got his own orbit now!
Length - 32 inches, 80th percentile
Weight - 33.4 pounds; 80th percentile

My 1 year weight record is still safe. I weighed 27 pounds my first year on this planet. And to this date, nobody I know or their kids (without any unusual circumstances) have rung the bell higher. So far...

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