Thursday, August 14, 2008

Technology Advanced

Gilbert is. (Sorry, talking like Yoda sometimes enjoy I do)

Came out of the shower this morning and this is what I saw. Pretty amazing. In the short time frame he emailed all his grandparents, confirmed the weather for his trips to the park and had time to see the new releases at Toys'R'Us. Wow!

I don't know what his fascination is with my BlackBerry. He has his own cell phone and remote control, but it is my BB that he is drawn to. If I have it in the same room as Gilbert he fixates on it.

Being the sly cat that I am, I'm using the BB as incentive when Gilbert is on his belly. You should see him scramble on the ground in an attempt to ensnare what he must see as the holy grail of toys. He loves to rake his fingers over the keys and see the letter move across the screen. I just have to make sure he doesn't actually email anybody!

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