Friday, December 19, 2008

Picture Time!

Ah, the 1 year photos. Or in this case the 13 month photos! Kristen has been attempting since Gilbert turned 1 to get some photos. For a variety of reasons we kept putting it off. Well, the photos were finally taken. Forgoing all the pomp, she went to Babies'R'Us and just did the quick shoot. And the results are below. I give her credit. She did her best to avoid any cheesy scenery or goofy poses. So which picture is your favorite?







Jenn said...

#1 and #5

Rebecca said...

#1, #4, and #5, but they are all cute!!!!

Evenson Family said...

I love them all...1,3,6 are my favorites...Sure hope we are at least getting a little on of the bugger!!!!!!!!!!!!
So adoable...he is a big boy...doesn't it just get better and better...Miss you guys...Merry HO HO HO!!