Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who Likes To Be Naked?


All is well with Team Johnson. Mom and Gilbert are enjoying each other's company immensely. At least that is what he told me! Mom might have a differing opinion now that Gil has taken up the art of projectile vomiting after feedings! I have yet to witness this art, nor have I been peed on yet, so part of me feels I'm missing out! Really?

Everyday is wondrous as he adds to his repertoire of facial expressions and body movements. His strength seems to increase daily as well, at times it seems in leaps and bounds. Tummy Time last night produced huge results as he held his head up what seems to be for minutes (granted it was probably only 10-15 seconds, but still!) and enjoyed it! I think parachuting might be in his future. As his head goes up he arches his back and his legs and pelvis leave the ground too simulating a parachutist's position. But seriously...He amazes us everyday.

However, our days are not without challenges. He does get fussy and I can only imagine - as a mother - how that must try your emotions and patience as you attempt to sooth your child, sometimes without results. Well, we do what we think is best and hope it produces results!


Ms. Mayhem said...

oh, tell Kristen to hang in there. I remember those days. We try so hard to be supermom and in hindsight I recall how terrified I was every time Mitch left the house. Thinking "how is today going to go" and thinking late in the day "what time is he going to get home" so I could have just 20 minutes to get a grip and regroup. Most days are decent, but every now and then you just have a "crap day"---lots of crying, being spit up, and oh, "is that poop I smell under my finger nail?" type days. In the end you can only trust your instincts...and if continues to puke call the DR for some recommendations :) They are there to help you and you call as much as you want!! off my soap box and enjoy your day-C

Ms. Mayhem said...

that really should be more like "oh, my, tell Kristen to hang in there..." or Oh dear, . I don't think it reads very sympathic as first posted. Kristen forgive me :)