Monday, October 13, 2008

Party Time

This past weekend was spent in Michigan to attend the birthday party for Gilbert's Great Grandpa, Tom, who turned 75 on Sunday! Tom lives in Lansing, MI so we traveled up that day. We left early and while in town, we visited one of Kristen's aunts - Jo and uncle Randy. They are building their home to retire to and wanted Kristen's sage advice on the plans. While they worked, I spent my time chasing Scooter around and managed to catch a few minutes of football. It was definitely great to see them!

That night was the celebration. Thrown in his honor by one of his daughter's, Janet, the birthday party was held at Tropppo's in downtown Lansing. The evening was a blast! The room was quite warm - mainly due to all the hot air! Janet prepared a movie set against Johnny Cash, Tom's favorite, and included all the classic pictures you see from the eras of past. There were definitely some wet eyes after that movie finished. All children, grandchildren and Tom's good friends were present so it was definitely a cozy, raucous occasion.

For Gilbert, this was another test of his Little Man endurance. The party was a bit late and was filled with a lot of doting strangers along with family. He rocked! However, his stamina did wane so I took him to the hotel while Kristen stayed. The little guy fell asleep before I pulled out of the parking spot and didn't wake up until I slipping off his clothes for his jammies. In fact, I left him asleep on the bed with me until Kristen came in. He hadn't moved!

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