Monday, July 28, 2008

Blueberrry Poo

Yes, it is true. Perhaps I'm straddling the line of Too Much Information, but really, poo that smells like blueberries!

For those avid readers of Little Man, you know I attempt to make most of Gilbert's food. He's at the age where combo meals are the bill of fare. My recent combo concoction is applesauce and blueberries. Gilbert loves it!

Much like asparagus, the blueberries have a side effect, blueberry smelling poo. I was not a witness to the first exhibit, but Kristen told me she could smell blueberries the minute she walked into Gilbert's room. Doubting her, I had to witness it for myself. Sure enough, over the weekend, I reveled at Gilbert's output as I drew changing duty.

A bit sadistic, it was one of those smells that repealed yet enticed you to take another whiff. More out of sheer disbelief than curiosity.

Research has shown that some people have the 'gene' for this sort of stuff, if true, Gilbert will not get asparagus if I have anything to say about it!

1 comment:

The Mom of 'em said...

I thought we were the only sicko-s smelling poopy. That's actually how I know it is time to switch up the food I"m giving him....sick of green bean diapers? Time for sweet potatoes! ha.

Thanks for commenting and informing me of "motor boat" btw!