Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Test Results

Following from my last post, we've been testing out methods to get Gilbert to sleep through the night. Gone is the late night feed, but now the challenge is getting the Little Man to sleep through the entire night.

Monday night did not fare well. Gilbert was a bit bunged up as his body continues to adjust to solid food. He woke up three times due to gas pains. You know the difference in cries, Parents! As a result, Monday was not a good test.

Last night was better. Gilbert did wake up twice, but we attempted to let him cry it out. The midnight wake he eventually feel back asleep. Same for the 3am wake. That waking, we suspect, was due to a very wet diaper. No wet diaper and chances are he would have slept through the night.

However, we are happy with his progress of napping during the day. Basically, he's down to two naps a day. An early morning nap of about 45 minutes and then a nice, long 1 1/2 - 2 hour nap shortly after lunch.

Gilbert is also down to eating three times a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So, progress is being made to establish a normal routine!

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