Saturday, April 26, 2008

Playtime. Gymboree Style.

Today Gilbert is six months old. Figuring it was time to release him on the greater population of Chicago, we enrolled Gil at Gymboree.

What fun! His play group had about 15 kids - from 6 to 10 months. It was amazing to see the range of development. 8 month olds dwarfed by Gilbert. A ten month old still without teeth. Another 8 month old that was walking unassisted. Regardless, all were smiling, active and having a good time.

For 45 minutes we sang, played on the equipment, and interacted with our son. At 1pm in the afternoon, the session is right in the middle of his afternoon nap. We feared it would not go well. However, Gilbert was fantastic. For 30 minutes. The last 15 he just zoned. No crying or eye rubbing, but just zoning. He did interact with the other kids which was important for us. An 8 month old, Lorelai, was next to us and she kept staring and smiling at Gilbert. A ladies' man. Sweet!

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