Saturday, April 19, 2008

Father Son Weekend

FREEDOM! Kristen just left for the weekend. She's hosting a shower for her sister-in-law who is expecting later this summer. So it is just Gilbert and me!

Currently, he's sleeping. But we have BIG plans. I'm thinking we'll head to the local watering hole where I can explain the finer points of lager. Meanwhile, I'll explain the rules and nuances beyond America's past time.

Back at home, I have an assortment of movies - the classics; Caddyshack, etc. - for us to watch. There might be some peanut M&M's and pizza waiting as well.

Chores? Who needs them! Sure, Kristen left me a list 'to-do', but I'm my own man. I say when. I say where. I saw how! She'll be lucky if I change my clothes this weekend!

Okay. Charade aside. I'm looking forward to our time. The weather does seem to be quite nice and an afternoon walk will definitely be in order. I'm sure we do some quality play time as well. Gilbert has been particularly active reaching and grabbing so we'll work on developing that skill set.

Privately, I do hope he'll go to sleep early as I do have the third season of Rescue Me from Netflix to watch. I've found watching series is much more enjoyable to wait and then rent so it is possible to watch episodes back to back. Keeps me enthralled. Just did it with Dexter. Highly recommended it.

Tomorrow I do have some chores. Self-imposed. Kristen didn't leave me anything to do, but I'll scour the condo as I'm sure there is something that needs to be done!

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