Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Evolving Bedtime Routine

Bedtime is a fun time for us. I only wish it started later in the evening. Come 5:30, Gilbert is ready to start preparations for sleep. He'll get cranky - "Hey, I"m hungry" - so we'll feed him. Step 1. He receives solid food first. We've introduced him to carrots, prunes, bananas, and applesauce. Carrots seem to be his favorite.

He sits in his Bumpo waiting arms stretched out. I feel like a momma bird feeding a new chick (short of eating the food myself and regurgitating it back into Gilbert's mouth!). There he sits eyes fixed on the spoon, arms outstretched, mouth agape. Quite a site.

And be damned if you are the one not feeding him and are making noise disrupting his feed. I'll be feeding Gilbert and Kristen will be off doing something in the general vicinity, but making noise. Gilbert will turn around and stare at her! Tonight I was feeding him while she was putting away her work, but again was making noise behind him. He turned around as if to say, "Do you mind!"

Once solid food has been deposited, he gets his 'milk topper' as Kristen's call it. While that is taking place, I prepare Gil's bath (It might be time to introduce his nickname -GM - Gilbert Merrill, but really it should stand for "General Manager" because he sure does run the team!). Kristen usually strips him down and brings him in. No need to discuss bath time, it has been well documented!

After a good air dry, rub down with baby lotion and his jammies secured, it is time for sleep. Well, not quite!

We now read a book to him. The light is dimmed, blinds and shades drawn, and the nighttime white noise selected (we go with 'summer nights'). Reading him a book, for me, is the best time. Just Gilbert and me, he sits in my lap, lays back against my chest, and stares at the book as I read it. By the time the book is complete, a few eye rubs have occurred and he's adequately relaxed for sleep.

Or so we think! As I lay him down, a big grin appears on his face and the minute his body touches the mattress his arms go a'flailin' and legs a'kickin'! It is a race to get the blanket over him and secured between the crib and mattress before all that calming work goes to waste. He usually succumbs and after 10 minutes of rustling around settles into that ideal position and it is eyes shut!

But here's our latest challenge. Admittedly, we do use a pacifier every so often. It became associated with sleeping only. Well, he's graduated to the next size, but hates them. Won't take it! The shape is all different and Gilbert refuses to let it in his mouth. As a result, we are still using the smaller version, but I attempt to put him to sleep without it. Sometimes I'm successful, other times not so. Anybody run into this challenge of not accepting a new 'nook'?


The Mom of 'em said...

When we switched to the bigger size Grant gagged on it....many times...but then one day it was just fine. Two choices I guess...cut him off altogether or keep introducing the new one. He'll take it....eventually. =-)

Enjoy your blog - you are my "ok we're normal" measuring stick as Gilbert is exactly one month younger than Grant. I think we've got the two cutest "G's" out there!

Ms. Mayhem said...

Did you really ask that question? PJ I am laughing my ass off right now. You're trying to switch it up and your kid ain't hav'n it....shocking!!! Heck, I don't pour milk on a bowl of cereal without asking the kids first! LAUGHING!