Friday, September 21, 2007

Hospital Visit

No, nothing serious. We attended an Infant CPR training class last night. Glad we attended.

Covering more than just CPR, the class provided information on car seat installation, SIDS, choking, and other topics that knowing about is important, but hopefully action is never required.

We practiced CPR on baby and child dummies. Not to make light of a serious topic, but our first attempts were a bit amusing. Kristen couldn't get the air into the infant's lungs (more of a dummy defect than her inability) and when I performed the 'pushes' I drove my fingers through the dummy's body all the way into the table eliciting a 'not so hard' comment from the nurse. Oops.

The most amusing part of the class was at the begining, when the five couples in the class were asked to state their names and due date. With the new hospital coming on-line the 20th of October, the nurse wanted to make sure those that would be in the new facility were invited to the Open House coming up. A traditional case of the haves vs. the have nots, seeing the deflating look on the couples' faces of those who said their due dates were prior to the 20th was saddening. One couple is due on the 20th, but is being induced early in the old facility. The soon-to-be dad was not happy about that one!

Oh yeah, Kristen had her bi-weekly visit to the doctor. Baby J, despite all his movements, is head down and growing as scheduled. The doctor doesn't expect an early delivery, so Baby J may be a November delivery!

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