Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gil's First Halloween

Mom just couldn't resist. Gil's not a week old and she's already dressing him in ridiculous clothes! Check out some of his wares for Halloween.

Today was a busy day with Gil's first doctor's appointment. Quite enjoyable seeing all the kids coming through dressed in their Halloween clothes. Another couple had their newborn (only a few days before us) in for the first time too. Their second child, they seemed like the steely veterans we hope to be.

The appointment went well. He's packing back on the weight typically lost after birth. And to top it all off he peed on the doctor.

Hey! That's what you get when you strip him down and start jostling around his sensitive junk! Dad was proud!


Ms. Mayhem said...

what is the fun, if you can't get pictures of your kids looking goofy---it will haunt them later!!!! I have hundreds of bad perm pictures. Yes, I said perm!!!

Anonymous said...

How adorable...I love this cute with the Halloween set up!! Kristen...let the scrapbook begin!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Suzanne...the moron who doesn't know how to use the computer...He is just so stinkin the photos...
Like this blog better now that there is a cutie munchkin to look at...he he he