What were once 3-4 hour feedings, have turned into a shark-like feeding frenzy. Gil seems to be hungry every 2-3 hours and often times needs a 'snack' to appease the hungry little man. And we thought this pattern was suppose to go in the opposite direction!
He's getting good feeds, but his appetite is voracious. Definitely taking after his father, but much to Kristen's chagrin. These changes translate to less sleep for her. Uh-oh.
And all that hair is starting to disappear. Hopefully it is not foreshadowing, but he's got some nice alleys developing in his hairline.
He seems to be changing daily. Facially more animated, clothes are no longer fitting, and his head is huge. Well, not Niepomnik huge (smiles!), but nonetheless!
Check out Gil's reaction to the Bear's OT win.
Cute baby!! Tell your wife to rub some of her breast milk onto his baby acne. It will be gone overnight. Trust me...it really works. I thought it was hokey too!
Mr. Gil is probably going through a growth spurt and needs more good stuff! Just when you think you have them figured out...they change it up (this will continue happening for many years!) Big head= lots of brains (at least that's what Stash tells me)
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