While still in Michigan, we made cookies the day after. Fun activity for Kristen and Gilbert. Little Man is a hands on type of child, so he loved cutting the shapes and being eye level with the action!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Best Surprise Gift for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Day
That morning he woke up at his usual time and all sharing a room, had us up wanting to go see what Santa brought. We used all of our diversion techniques as we waited for the rest of the house to wake up!
The gift opening took hours! He'd open a present and speed off playing with it. Doubly so for Jasper! He got a play kitchen and Gilbert wanted to play with it too in a bad way!

Then he saw and realized the shiny Radio Flyer tricycle was for him! He spent the rest of the weekend on it!
I've posted how Gilbert is enamored with the vacuum cleaner. Well, when we started asking him what he wanted for Christmas, you can imagine what was at the top of the list. So, Santa brought Little Man his own 2-in-1 Dirt Devil. I'm disappointed it is not functional so he can clean up after himself, but Gilbert sure doesn't know the difference! He vacuumed the house all weekend and does a daily sweep of the condo as well!
Little Man also was the recipient of a lot of family love with new additions to his growing Thomas the Train train set and some remote control cars along with a treasure trove of books and other fun stuff. It is safe to say, Gilbert was a 'good little boy' in 2009!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Eve
This year Little Man 'got' Christmas. On the Eve he was excited about going to bed knowing Santa was coming to visit! We read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and remained riveted throughout the entire story!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
For The First Time In Ten Years...

Today I am pleased to announce that for the first time in ten years (or since the damn league was started) I am the Super Bowl Champion!
Yep, today was the finals and I persevered. However, as the owner of the winning team I must recognize those that helped bring home the trophy. Foremost, I need to recognize the coach. The man who made the tough decisions of who to start and who to sit. When to make pick up a player from waivers, and assisted me with trade decisions. So without me to help me, I might not have come out on top. High five to myself!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Elephant & Butterflies
Little Man enjoys to simply watch them float and fall to the ground, though. Let the eye-hand corridation!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Recently, Kristen and Gilbert attended a church program for Kristen's godson. A good time, from the pictures it seemed to be a all-you-can-eat get together!
Monday, December 21, 2009
You May Have Noticed...
Gilbert seems to be wearing the same clothes in all of his pictures. Well, in part that is correct. The past week he has not been feeling at his best. He has two pairs of really comfy, fleece jammies and these are by far his favorites.
In fact, Team Johnson has been pummeled by virus, inflammation, and all other sorts of nasties. Kristen has had some sort of viral bug since before Thanksgiving. And in the past week, Little Man has not been himself. A visit to the doctor confirmed a double ear infection. And despite my metal mettle, I succumbed to all the crud floating around the condo and had what seems like the flu over the weekend. Better today, I feel like I have those green creatures from the Musinex commercials camping out in my head and chest!
In fact, Team Johnson has been pummeled by virus, inflammation, and all other sorts of nasties. Kristen has had some sort of viral bug since before Thanksgiving. And in the past week, Little Man has not been himself. A visit to the doctor confirmed a double ear infection. And despite my metal mettle, I succumbed to all the crud floating around the condo and had what seems like the flu over the weekend. Better today, I feel like I have those green creatures from the Musinex commercials camping out in my head and chest!
Holiday Cookie Making
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thank You Grandma/Grandpa!
Gilbert received an early Christmas present...a Thomas the Train tree ornament. We were able to get him to say thanks. So for Grandma and Grandpa, this is for you!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Big Day
Today could be an impactful day. We finally have our appointment with a children's orthopedist to investigate Gibert's legs. Early on we noticed that his ankles roll in and that his achilles tilt as a result. Additionally, he is knock kneed. Add to it his feet point out (the left is the one of concern) and his arches are flat or collapsed so we are just covering our bases by seeing a doctor. Many of these conditions are normal individually and over time a child's gait corrects itself. However, all combined has caused me concern and probably some unnecessary agnst, but as a parent how do you not be concerned for your child's development?
We've voice our concern at various doctor's visits and done some reading and really these issues are addressed at the earliest after two years. At Gilbert's two year visit, his doctor shifted thought and suggested it was time to see a specialist. Hopefully it will be nothing and the prognosis good. Stay tuned...
We've voice our concern at various doctor's visits and done some reading and really these issues are addressed at the earliest after two years. At Gilbert's two year visit, his doctor shifted thought and suggested it was time to see a specialist. Hopefully it will be nothing and the prognosis good. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Comfy Reading
I have the enviable task of making the bed each morning. My way of being a good hubby, yes?
Well, Gilbert likes to make the process difficult. He'll plop down on the pile of blankets, sheets and pillows and fight with me as I attempt to free them for the bed making. On this particular day, he attempted a new tactic, embedment. I turn around after smoothing the fitted sheet (cool, I know!) to find him entrenched reading a book. Little stinker!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Child Labor
The wine we won at an auction last year for the Montessori Academy of Chicago has now been whittled down where the last remaining bottles can be removed from over the cabinetry in the kitchen to our wine fridge.
Being the fantastic little helper, Gilbert insisted on carrying bottles. A bit unnerving, Kristen had the idea of him transporting the bottles via his little wagon. As the folks in the Guiness commercials yell, "BRILLIANT!"
Being the fantastic little helper, Gilbert insisted on carrying bottles. A bit unnerving, Kristen had the idea of him transporting the bottles via his little wagon. As the folks in the Guiness commercials yell, "BRILLIANT!"
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Color Coordinated
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Bundle Up!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Electronic Repairman
Or more appropriate...demolition man! I took apart the no longer functioning DVD player with Gilbert. He loved it. As I unscrewed the unit, he collected all the screws and was counting them in piles. But when I removed the shell and all the electronic guts were available to play with, time stood still. Little Man was mesmerized!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Gilbert loves his colors. That was something we enjoyed doing with him early and now he loves to tell us the color of everything. Oh yeah, today for fun we rode on the L, because we loves trains. And when we got home, Kristen asked him what he did and his response..."Rode the Green Line." Got to love it.
While disassembling the DVD player, he wanted to tell me the colors of the connections on the back of the box. He got everyone!
While disassembling the DVD player, he wanted to tell me the colors of the connections on the back of the box. He got everyone!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Gilbert is starting to enjoy rough playing. He likes it when I roll up his blankets and toss 'em at him or big pillows that knock him over.
This is the latest. He covers up with a blanket and I throw his stuffed dino at him. He giggles incessantly!
This is the latest. He covers up with a blanket and I throw his stuffed dino at him. He giggles incessantly!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Zoo Lights
Monday, November 30, 2009
Too Dark, Too Early
As we approach the shortest day of the year, it is dark as we pick Gilbert up from school. Often, he is still wired from his day and needs to burn off some energy. When the sun was still up, we would go to the park before dinner. We soon stopped after daylights savings time, but then asked why?

So, one night last week after picking up Little Man from school we bundled up and went to the park. It was only 5:30pm, yet the park was empty! Gilbert had the run of the place!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thankful For...
Kristen wanted to start a tradition with the family for Thanksgiving. She came up with the great idea of creating a tree with leaves in the shape of hands. All of us traced our hands, she cut them out and then we wrote on the leave hands what we are thankful for.
Gilbert's first answer? "Peanuts!" Followed by "Yellow Blankie!"
Post-Thanksgiving Pump It Up
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Recap
Thanksgiving was fantastic. We hosted family and friends in our cozy condo. I got to cook (and keep the leftovers!), Gilbert was able to stay in familiar surroundings and Kristen was able to flex her party hosting muscles.
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