Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Gilbert's First Plane Ride
But the best part is we get to meet Maddie - my niece - for the first time! Maddie was born on my birthday last year. She's almost seven months old. I can't wait! It will be fun to see Gil and Maddie together. Of course, they'll probably be oblivious to each other, but who cares. It will be fun. My P's are driving up from Houston later in the week so the entire Johnson clan will be together. Oh boy!
So, for those savvy travelers who have taken their kids on plane rides, any sage advice you can offer?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Back in the Groove

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Coming Home
But there is no substitute for the joy that awaits me when I get to give the little man a hug! I brought with me a little deck of pictures that I could flip through when I was jonesing for some Gil. And yes, of course, I can't wait to see Kristen! That goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway!
Cheers mate!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Big Day!
This signals the first real shift back to pre-Gil life; Kristen returning to work. Her business is now official. The paperwork is filed with the State, she's doing design work on her own and now she'll be a contractor for her prior design firm. Lots of good things are happening for her!
From a parent perspective, knowing the shift is coming has been - at times - hard to accept. No matter how good the care is for your child, it is not the same since you are not the person providing it. Plus, giving up the control is probably the unspoken hardest part. Maybe that is why in other countries the maternity leave is so much more extensive.
For example, in the UK it is one year. I've heard in Germany, the leave is as much as three years! And in both cases salaries are paid close to 100% for the entire length. This might not be completely accurate but regardless the US policy of 12 weeks (salary provided is optional) pales in comparison. And remember, prior to the FMLA (signed into law during the Clinton administration), there was nothing concrete. Scary, huh!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
We Survived!

Friday, January 18, 2008
First Date
Gilbert will be placed in the trusty hands of Katie for the evening. How did we convince a young, single girl to give up her Friday night, you ask? Food and the ability to do her laundry for free (apparently public laundramats freak her out!). The bitterly cold weather didn't hurt our case either!
So, what are we doing for the evening. Fine dining, perhaps? A romantic rendezvous at a hotel, maybe? Nah!
We are attending an event held by Nau, a progressive clothier that makes eco-friendly, hip clothing. I learned about Nau through the foundation I volunteer - Taproot Foundation. Nau donates 5% of the profits from every sale to a variety of local and national partners. Taproot is one of them. As a result, I've had the opportunity to get to know the folks at Nau and am often invited to special seminars, parties, etc. the store holds to promote their eco-philosophy.
Tonight is a seminar on eco-friendly and sustainable building materials co-hosted with They have developed the first freely accessible on-line database of sustainable materials for architects, builders, furniture designers, fashion designers, and more.
Since this might be of interest to Kristen, we are both attending. Of course, the enticement of free food and beverage at the event was nice too. And 50% all the stores wares!
And yes, if all goes well we are going out afterwards with plans to visit a familiar haunt...Webster's Wine Bar to spend a little one-on-one time together. Kristen has been jonesing for some good cheese and I know she'll get her fill at Webster's!
The question that remains is how many times will Kristen call Katie to check in on Gil!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
City Playdate

I did talk to Gil and he said that he and Ty had a fun time together. A year older, Ty provided Gil some sage advice on how to deal with nannies and baby sitters, eating solid food, and how to hold one's pee until the very minute your diaper is being changed so you can spray mom and dad.

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Road Trio to the Suburbs

Taggart is stringing together sentences quite well, but like all kids whose vocabulary is expanding while enunciation still a challenge it was good to have Emily around as Tag's interpreter!

Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Results Are In, Part 2

The typical measurements were recorded and his growth chart is progressive upwards. Here's the results:
- Weight - 13 lbs. 7oz. (up from 10lbs. 11oz.) in the 70th percentile (up from 50th percentile
- Length - 24 3/8 (up from 23 inches) in the 70th percentile (same)
- Head size - Whoa! 16 7/8 inches (up from 15 inches) in the 90th percentile (up from 75th percentile)
However, the big surprise of the visit was the four shots he had to receive for a variety of vaccines to ward off nasty diseases and viruses like Ebola, Avarian Flu, etc. Just kidding! But he did receive four shots and was not at all thrilled about the experience.
The first shot went fine. A little grimace and pout, but he quickly recovered. However, the second shot was fast and in the same vicinity. That did not meet his approval and he expressed his displeasure.
Of course, he calmed down and regrouped only to be stuck two more times in the other leg. By the time all the shots were finished, he was simply pissed and let us know verbally. However, we quickly comforted him by wrapping him up in a snugly outfit (see picture).
The rest of the day seemed to progress nicely with no signs of being upset or side affects of the shots. We even interviewed a nanny and everything went swimmingly.
However, his pleasant demeanor shifted to painful at bedtime. I had just left the condo for the gym when he began to wail in obvious pain from the shots. Able to provide only mild comfort by holding and soothing him with word, he'd relax only to shout out in pain in intervals throughout the evening. Eventually he fell asleep, either from total exhaustion or from finally finding comfort, but the ultimate surprise was he slept through the entire night!
This morning we all woke up and it was back to the status quo. A happy child wanting to play!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Sleeping Upright

Thursday, January 3, 2008
The Best Thing About Waking Up

For the past few weeks his hands and arms have been quite active. We've snapped some awesome photos only to capture a blur of his arms and hands because of the fast movement. He's developing quite the karate chop as he reaches for objects in front of him. However, without his depth perception fully in place yet, it is often 'swing and a miss'. He's whacked both Kristen and I a few times in the face as well as hitting himself on the noggin too.

If he does grab my fingers, he either attempts to eat them or, on occasion, will pull himself up especially if he's already in somewhat of a sitting position (see the photos).
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What better way to welcome in the new year...