For this to work, the parent has the baby on them most of the time. Most cultures 'sling' their child and do their daily tasks as if nothing has changed. We both have active lifestyles, so this method seems appealing.

In the store, we witnessed other expecting parents practicing 'slinging' and waited our turn. While waiting, we perused and the store has some cool clothing, toys, and miscellaneous items. The hardest part is refraining from buying everything at once!
After a few minutes, we were helped by an incredibly nice worker - Megan - who has a 14 month old daughter of her own. Anyway, she showed us the different type of slings and we quickly settled on the Hotsling. The store has baby dummies that are weighted like a real child - flopping head, etc. - and we each tested the sling. Luckily for us, we both fit into the same size. And I was even able to get Kristen to settle on a style that was neutral enough for me to wear. Saving Dad some big money.
So we celebrated by visiting our favorite bakery - conveniently located just down the street! - called Dinkel's. Arguably the best bakery in the city!
The sling is now home, but we have nothing to put in it! Give it five weeks.